♥ profile.

amirah, ash, eunice, feesadora,
wei de and zi jian. amirul, heni,
jie yi, min er, morgan, nas, nurade, prosper, vincent and zul.
bedok south and chai chee sec.
13 to 16 years old.
we simply love LKM.

♥ wishlist.

outing with LKM.
sir jefril belanja 16 of us.
together forever.

♥ links.

♥min er.

♥ past.

October 2008

♥ credits.

designer: xin ai.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

gonna introduce one by one.
now, go take some coke or nice drinks before scrolling down?
hahas. just kidding. but, you should just take some drinks with you now.
seriously. no kidding. ((:
hmmm, lemme think of something.
ohh ohh, you know what LKM stands for?
yeah yeah, i bet you dont know. [[:
so lemme tell you!
LKM stands for......
okok, i tell you lahh.
LKM stands for lim kok meng! shh!
dun tell people. ((:
hmm. if not wrong, amirul is the one who suggest this name for the group?
not very sure. wanna know more, go contact amirul.
contact him at:
really copying it down arr?
wow. that fake email sure popular now?
lols. okok, get to the point.
by now, u should be able to see a picture already.
so yeahh, enjoy looking at the photo while drinking your drink! :DD

first up, from bedok south sec,

we have amirah! :DD Photobucket

followed by ash, Photobucket

then eunice, Photobucket

after that, feesadora, Photobucket

the waiter wei de, Photobucket

and last but not least,

the shortie ahgirl aka zi jian! ((: Photobucket

now, lemme list the people of chai chee yeahh?
is kinda a lot of people so now, take ur popcorn with you! :DD

firstly, we have amirul and nas! :DD Photobucket

yeahh, this is me, heni the chicken, Photobucket

then, jue yi the quiet girl, Photobucket

followed by min er the mineral water, Photobucket

fifth, we have morgan! ((: Photobucket

the below guy is somehow called the push up expert?

nurade aka ade, Photobucket

the below guy name prosper, but,

he never even give any prosperity! --" Photobucket

second last, the fast eater i guess?

we have vincent, Photobucket

last but not least, the guy won the best person from yuan shen within the group.

we have zul! Photobucket

hmm. is sad that we dont have coach yuan shan, coach darell and sir wen bin photo but, we have sir jefril photo! ((:

here it comes!
this is sir jefril! ((: Photobucket

he told me to write he handsome in the ambassador blogg. o.O but i didnt. hahas.
thats all for now?
ohh yeahh, almost forget.
sir jefril gonna belanja us! ((:
say yay to us! [[:

the last thing i gonna post for this section,

our group photo with our faces! :DD


we love LKM. it just simply that we love limkokmeng.
nothing more than that. ((:
maybe this LKM family wont last long but, for now, we want to show to the people out there that we simply just love LKM.
that include the coaches and the policemen.

-- blogged at 1:10 AM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

heni here! :DD
i gonna post the photo of each of us. ((:
this bloggie got some kind of troublesome thing so i lazy post the photos at the disclaimer or profile part. --"
btw, min er and i were the one who create this blogg.
this shows our loveness for LKM?
hehes. so yeahh gonna post one by one.
the member of LKMs. [[:
arrghh shit. got prob with the photos.
will upload them tomorrow. gonna discuss with min er first?
bbyes all! :DD
look forwards to the photos!

-- blogged at 8:19 AM

♥ disclaimer.

tag before you leave this blogg. ((:

♥ music.

we love our song <33

♥ tagboard.